In bed with the storytellers: Bojana Crnadak



…to listen to bedtime stories, of course.

Just like bedtime stories that we used to listen to as children, every event creates and shares its own story. A well-told story is an event where the narrator and the listener meet, where the participant and the speaker form a personal bond. Before you come to the hottest conference of the summer, we wanted you to meet our storytellers, to make the storytelling experience even stronger and more engaging.


Q: How are we going to organize events in the future?

The future of organizing events will be in many aspects determined by technology and artificial intelligence, but nevertheless the creativity remains crucial.

Q: Is there something you would like to change in the world of events?

Being more open to new ideas and solutions. Dare to try…

Q: What do you love about your job the most?

The great advantage of my job is its dynamics. Since I work with many countries in the region of Southeast Europe and their different mentalities similar projects can mean completely different experiences. That keeps me going further…

Q: In your opinion, what is live marketing’s best advantage?

I am here and impress me.


Q: What are you bringing to Conventa Crossover?

I am bringing stories from events in developing programs of Southeast Europe.

Q: What do you expect from Crossover in Ljubljana?

I am looking forward to great interaction with local, regional and international colleagues, as well as to feed my curiosity on what’s new…

Q: Why should an attendee not miss your session?

You will always wonder what you missed by not being at this session…

Q: Hashtag suggestion for the 2019 edition?


About Bojana

Program Specialist at CEF – Center of Excellence in Finance

Bojana has over 10 years of experience in organizing events, from specific events, prepared for experts in public finance management sector to very rich experiences in managing events in the region of Southeast Europe, Russian Federation, Caucasus and elsewhere. Her passion is in highly efficient event management and its modern approaches, along with the change management in the area of organizing events. The format of lifelong learning is significantly changing through time and also affects the event preparations; therefore it requires continuous learning and improvement. Besides event and change management she has been intensively involved in team management for the last few years.

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