“Just like bedtime stories that we used to listen to as children, every event creates and shares its own story. A well-told story is an event where the narrator and the listener meet, where the participant and the speaker form a personal bond.”
Before you come to Conventa Crossover, a hybrid conference for everyone, who wants to learn, socialize and exchange ideas in an informal, relaxed environment, the organisers wanted you to meet the speakers (or storytellers as they like to call them). Don’t worry if you can’t make it to Ljubljana on 27 August 2020, you can join the conference virtually.
Colja Dams
CEO of VOK DAMS worldwide
Q: How are we going to organize events in the future?
With the same passion and commitment, we always do! The playing field might have gravitated towards online and hybrid events but our love for and dedication to impactful events remains unbounded. Be it online or offline, hybrid or digital, people want and need to share real-life live experiences and even this global pandemic isn’t going to change that.
Q: What is your love story with the world of events?
We have been in the business of creating better results for our clients since 1970. For 50 years we have built emotional connections between brands and people by producing up-close-and-personal live experiences. To see people enjoy our events and activations makes all the long hours and hard work worthwhile.
Q: In your opinion, what is live marketing’s best advantage vs online?
It’s sharing the experience with like-minded people that makes live events so impactful. An online event can be emotional and impactful on a personal level but sharing the experience online with your peers is a distant and much weaker connection than in a live setting. Compare any live concert with its online version. No matter how slick the online production, no matter how many camera angles, the live version will always outclass the online one.
Q: What are you bringing to Conventa Crossover and why should an attendee not miss your session?
Like everyone in the Global live event industry, we also have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we introduced our hybrid event concept over 10 years ago. Since then we have optimized this approach and extended it with our ‘Open Platform’ approach and combined it with our agile agency system. Which prepared in retrospect better for this situation. We are looking forward to sharing our processes and thoughts on how to successfully navigate the pandemic.
Q: What do you expect from the event?
A great exchange of ideas amongst the leading event professionals worldwide. Open and honest dialogue be it online or offline. Looking forward!