Basic Event Information
Date: 1. 10. 2020
Location: Zagreb, Croatia
Organiser: Komunikacijski laboratorij d.o.o.
Client: Croatian Chamber of Commerce
Event description and key objectives
As the part of the national initiative “Promotion of Entrepreneurship”, for our client Croatian Chamber of Commerce, we organized the project ‘Inoviraj – profitiraj“. The whole project took place from May until October 2020. First part of the project were five workshops, where successful innovators, from five different regions of Croatia presented their business stories and representatives of consultant house presented financial supports available for new innovators. Final part of the project was national innovation exhibition „Inoviraj – profitiraj“. It was one – day event that took place at Plaza City Center in Zagreb. Main objective was to present, in live, successful Croatian companies that built their development on innovations. At the exhibition participated 21 innovators. Part of the program was also a panel discussion on topic „Innovations: the foundation of our future“. At the panel discussion we had eight participants, representatives of innovators, academic sector, government, and key institutions. Moderator of the panel discussion was Mr Emir Džanić, expert in the field of innovations, with an international career. Target audience for the exhibition was general public, with an interest in innovations and starting their own business and media. The event was supported with continuous PR campaign and online advertising. Event was also live streamed in order to reach audience that wasn’t able to attend due to epidemiological restrictions.

Key challenges
Our key challenge during organization and execution of this event was COVID-19 pandemic impact. First, date of the event was moved from springtime to fall. Also, additional adjustments were made regarding the number of participants, registration mechanics and catering. Since the interest for the event was big, we organized live streaming, because number of live guests was limited.

Creative part of this event was very important segment for the client, so we developed new visual identity especially for this project. Logo of the event was created as stylized representation of the brain. Versions of the logo were used on all communication channels and as the main motif of the scenography. Big wooden models of the logo were used as partitions between different segments of the exhibition, creating interesting visual experience for the visitors. Since disinfectants were a must have at the event, we made cooperation with one of the exhibitors, producer of disinfectant products and created branded mini packages of disinfectant, which were small giveaways for all the guests. When it comes to catering, we also had to come up with a new approach, due to the epidemiological restrictions. We prepared a nice version of the lunch boxes. This way food and drinks were served in a safe way and guests had an option to consume it at the event or take it away and consume it later. To make the content of the event more inspiring, we collected from each exhibitor one motivational claim, and we presented them during the event. This part was very much appreciated from the exhibitors, because they felt more as a part of the project.

On the innovation part, we made cooperation with one of the exhibitors, which created new product – a stand which scans guests face and measures one’s body temperature. The stand also had a touch – free disinfectant dispenser and face masks dispenser. This way the whole registration process was done touch – free and without any close-up interaction with the registration personnel, which was an imperative at that period of the pandemic year.

Once we made all adjustments according to epidemiological restrictions, execution of the event went by plan. Event was set up in a grand, empty conference space that needed a lot of scenography solutions to make space interesting and engaging. Whole scenography was divided into three main sectors – exhibition, conference, and networking. Outside of the main space we set press corner and registration point. Building of the scenography and technical rehearsal were done the day before. Also, large exhibits were set in the space the day before. Guests were able to register for the event via web page form and only pre-registered guests were able to enter the event. From epidemiological point of view, it was important that no more than 100 people was at the event at one point. In total team of 12 people worked on technical and logistical execution of the event. Event started with panel discussion that was held on the main stage. After that, media representatives had their slots to take statements form the panel participants and exhibitors. The rest of the time, guests were touring the exhibition and networking. Event started at 10 AM and ended at 4 PM.

Measurable results
Due to epidemiological restrictions, our goal was set to total 100 visitors during the day. In total we had 201 visitors at the event during the whole day, and over 100 people attended via livestream.

From the communication point of view, we had big media interest for this event, so 12 media sent their journalists to the event. In total we had 23 media coverages in print, online and TV.

The use of sustainable practices
One of our goals was to make scenography in eco-friendly way, so big elements were made from wood, which was after the event sent to recycling and upcycling purposes.