Basic Event Information
Date: 16 – 17 November 2021
Location: Krakow, Poland & ONLINE
Organiser: Foundation of Economy and Public Administration
Client: Public
Event description and key objectives
The Open Eyes Economy Summit is an event held annually in Cracow, Poland, since 2016. Not only is it a top opportunity to get to know the most important contemporary social and economic thought, but also it is a real chance to make the world better. At our Congress, we are gathering participants from various environments: business, academic, non-governmental, political organizations, but also students and journalists. The main goal of the event is to spread awareness of the importance of the economy of values and to show a world based on social values and ecology, which puts people above economic profit.
The 2021’s edition, which took place on 16-17.11.2021, was organized as an hybrid edition. This year’s main theme was “Generations have their reasons”.
We invited representatives of various generations to take the floor and to create tools to initiate a dialogue. We wanted to promote mutual awareness and understanding in the contact between seniors and the younger generation.
During this edition of the congress we focused also on topics such as diversity management, multigenerational and multicultural organization, historical cities, streaming and gaming, organizations and business ecosystems in the times of COVID, localization and naturalization of management, as well as on the question of whether and how to start all over again.

Key challenges
The biggest challenge of the sixth edition of the Congress was to organize it as attractive as we could for both online and stationery participants and to keep the special atmosphere in both places. We had a full program with many different panels in 7 different auditoriums at the same time. To keep the interest of the online attendees we broadcasted live interviews with people connected with the congress in various ways as part of the LIVE studio. In order to keep the congress attractive also for stationary participants, we returned to activity in the foyer of the congress. After the pandemic edition, the participants could visit the partners’ stands full of attractions, drink coffee and try products from our Open Cafe. Open Cafe is our initiative which aim is to familiarize participants with the topic of responsible agriculture and food production. In 2021, the theme was honey, and our participants could taste products from local, responsible apiaries.
Another challenge was to keep everyone safe during the OEES in terms of a pandemic. That is why we took all steps (masks, tests, certificates, temperature checking, disinfection) to make the participation completely safe for the health of our guests. The challenge was also to encourage the speakers to come to Krakow and participate in our congress stationary.

OEES is distinguished by a number of different activities and initiatives, in addition to the content program, including exhibitions, performances or artistic events such as concerts. We also take care of the unconventional opening of the congress – this year it consisted of several elements – animations prepared by students of Cracow Academy of Fine Arts, a string quartet performance with live music arranged by a DJ.
The Congress is also accompanied by the Open Eyes Art Festival – a series of artistic events. One of the basic assumptions of OEAF is interdisciplinarity – relating to all fields of art. As part of the almost two-month art festival, almost thirty events were organized: exhibitions, concerts, performances, presentations and debates.
During the congress, there were also events for its participants:
- Happening “The Artist Changes the World” starring and directed by Krystian Lupa and Katarzyna Janowska
- Concert of the international band Hirundo Maris
- Exhibition of photographs by Janusz Leśniak
Our creative concept to emphasize the importance of intergenerational relations has also been fulfilled. The Generations campaign, which aim was to raise awareness of the need and importance of intergenerational cooperation and exchange of experiences, reached almost a million recipients all over Poland, and its results can be seen at:
We assumed that the hybrid nature of events is becoming a standard that should be maintained and innovative products should be implemented as a part of the development. The hybrid version of the congress increases its’ availability, while maintaining the advantages of live meetings. Thanks to the technology of remote meetings, we were able to host participants from all continents, without the need to overproduce tons of CO2.
We have created a dedicated platform Live OEES, where not only our congress but also our other events are available to watch. The Live OEES platform, among other solutions of this type available on the market, was distinguished by the variety of functions and activities that we conducted during the two days of the Congress, trying to recreate the atmosphere of a real event.
We care about increasing the accessibility of the congress. That’s why all the points of the program were translated into English. In 2021 one of three paths was also translated into Polish Sign Language. After the congress all of the footage with added subtitles were posted on the VOD Play Kraków platform.

Since the pandemic lasted till this year’s edition, we decided to create a hybrid version of the congress. The participants had the opportunity to take part in OEES online on our Live OEES platform or stationary – we hosted 1500 stationary participants and 3700 online participants.
The program was translated into English and Polish Sign Language, so that foreigners and people with hearing loss could as well take part. Additionally, the congress was available for people with motor disabilities (the building was adapted for them).
We also wanted to make OEES attractive in perception, and its visual side to be catchy and remembered, hence the variety of backgrounds and graphics. On site, we also arranged a live studio where the OEES host spoke live to the audience about the Congress during breaks, interviewed speakers and partners, and showed backstage work. For stationary participants we have also prepared a special place where they could buy products from local craftsmen who responsibly produce clothes, jewellery and cosmetics – it is one of the editions of the responsible Kiermash fashion fair.

Measurable results
From year to year, our growing statistics on participation, coverage in traditional and social media show that we’re more recognizable and we’re developing more and more with each edition. We are also enlarging our group of participants in terms of diversity.
Our statistics for the 2021 edition are below:
- 5200 participants
- 250 speakers
- participants from 37 countries
- 83 discussions panels
- Media AVE: 6 623 004,00 PLN, Reach: 29 456 036 people, publications: 1900
- Facebook:5 438 659 views, 13 710 reactions, 46 023 daily range while OEES
- 7 live scenes and OEES studios
- 93 sponsors and partner organizations
- 1000 responsible gadgets given to the participants
We achieved the assumed results – we increased the number of online viewers and we managed to invite as many stationary participants as we could. We have managed to create added value, especially in the area of our Generations project. We also produced many materials such as recordings from discussion panels (which can be used for example in educational purposes). The relations that form among our participants during networking are also a significant added value.
The project is organized as part of the statutory activity of a non-governmental organization and is not profit-oriented.

The main goal of OEES communication is to have a real impact on the reality that surrounds us. Thanks to this, we are called the most progressive event regarding values and sustainable development.
Each edition covers topics from many social and economic fields, thanks to which we gather various groups of recipients, including representatives of business, universities, public institutions and non-governmental organizations.
We make partnerships both with local governments (Kraków, Gdańsk, Łódź etc.) and universities (AGH, SGH, UEK, ASP), but also with businesses (UBS, ING, BNP Paribas, Google, In Post, Fortum – and many others). We involve our partners in the process of creating and organizing OEES as well as spreading the news about us.
As our main theme concerned Generations, we wanted to reach various groups of recipients. We encouraged young people as well as seniors to participate in the congress.

The use of sustainable practices
OEES is the largest event in Poland concerning the theory and practice of sustainable development. Business and its surrounding institutions are eager to join the conversation about the economy of values, supporting and actively participating in OEES. To the partnership at the congress we invite companies that are known for good CSR practices and those that want to talk about improving their activities towards responsible management.
In the expo zone, our partners can present their responsible practices. This year, they decided to focus on the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN, while inviting participants to talk about them.
We also try to approach the materials provided for participants responsibly. This year, we offered them 2 gadgets-a bag created by the Zeroban Social Cooperative, which creates accessories from materials that are no longer needed, including advertising banners and a water bottle manufactured with the latest technology of biopolymers. The water bottle, created in cooperation with the Krakow Waterworks, was one of the products of the campaign promoting drinking tap water “GOOD WATER straight from the tap”. We approached the matter of catering with responsibility, serving meals in ecological, paper boxes, in portions per person significantly reduced the amount of wasted food. We donated the lunch packages left to the nursing home. We were supported in the catering service by the Food&Life social enterprise that employs people with disabilities.