Candle Lights on Bled Lake
Main category
6 .Festival, 8. Cultural/Music Event, 13. Pop-Up Event
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Event Description and Key Objectives
The traditional Bled Days were held as part of the Bled Summer 2024 events. On Saturday, July 20, the lake glowed for the fifty-second time in a row in the light of 10,000 lights in eggshells made by local resident Andrej Vidic. The event appeals to locals but also fascinates visitors, as the lights are lit up in a magical guise only once a year.
Key challenges
The challenge in preparing the event is establishing an agreement and cooperation with the cream cake makers. These represent a residue from the production of cream slices, and the eggshells must be broken in such a way that they can then also be used for the production of lights. This time we have established cooperation with the company Conditus, which hands them over to the local Andrej Vidic. He makes lights out of them for as long as three months. After the event, the divers of the Bled Underwater Activities Association played a crucial role in the event's environmental responsibility by removing these lights from the lake.
In addition, the event's success depends mainly on the weather—summer storms and water currents provide adrenaline until the last moment.
Basic information about the event
Name of the organiser
Bled Tourist Board
Bled, Slovenia
Event duration
Bled Tourist Board

Event results
In addition to the 10,000 lights shining on the lake, this year, as part of the lighting of the lights, we also prepared a surprise - a musical spectacle on the water. Opera singers, vocalists, and violinists (Maša Golob, Flora Ema Lotrič, and Eva Pavli) floated each on their own traditional pletna boat. They gradually floated to the embankment, enthralling the visitors with film music against the backdrop of lights on the lake.
The event took place in the spirit of zero waste management—reuse of eggshells and strict waste management, separating waste and not creating new ones.
Preparations for the event began on a rainy Saturday. Towards evening, the clouds cleared, and the sun shone in Bled, making for an extremely beautiful evening. The event was a success in all respects and impressed both the visitors as well as the performers, caterers, and support team.
In addition to the aforementioned, Maja Keuc, with her band and Mirko Polič, Jaka Birsa, and Damaris Potočnik, who took the stage under the name JAMirko SESSIONS, also performed as part of the event.
Measurable results
The entire event and organization cost EUR 20,000. The return on investment was visible in the visitors' eyes and reactions. The entire promenade danced and swayed to the rhythms of summer music. The visitors crowned the event with wide smiles, which is also the essence of the event.
The entire event's communication took place under the auspices of the Bled Summer 2024 communication, and the Bled Days represent the highlight of the summer in Bled. Communication was established through social networks, traditional media, and printed promotional materials.
Sustainable practices
In addition to reusing eggshells, which represent waste while preparing cream cakes, the whole event was organized in a zero-waste manner.