Eurojackpot Superconcert 2023
Main category
8. Cultural/Music Event, 14. Brand Activation
Watch the event video
Event Description and Key Objectives
Organizing a free concert in the heart of Budapest, in Sculpture Park of PUSKAS ARENA, with fourty thousand participants, with thousands of online followers
Combining the community experience with providing help for a good cause.
Key challenges
Budget Management and Attendee Experience:
Content Quality
Attendee satisfaction.
Continue collecting and acting on feedback to improve event
Basic information about the event
Name of the organiser
Lounge Group – Visual Europe Group
Puskás Arena Sculpture Park Budapest
Event duration
23 Szeptember 2023
Szerencsejáték Zrt.

Event results
Star parade with spectacular show elements, with a light show, with professional dancers and with hundreds of thousands of watts technology.
Every year we strive for providing the participants an unforgettable experience, with famous performers, visuals and activities.
Performing guests are preparing with visual and show elements can be viewed only at this concert, which will make the whole event unique and unrepeatable.
Life-sized dancing booble heads, giant teddy bears.
Apart from the performers placement of many activities, photo spots, games and refreshing points.
Amount received from on-site sales was entirely for charitable purposesSUPERCONCERT successfully combines entertainment with charity.
The free entry superconcert creates an opportunity that people who - due to financial reasons - do not have the chance to go to any other concert, thereby can also attend a live music event
Large-scale charity superkoncert was held with star performers for the fourth time,more than 40.000 participants despite rain.
Consideration of the sustainability aspect, using environmentally friendly practices during the organization and execution of the event.
Fantastic sound-, light- and pyrotechnic devices – 300 project lights with hoist-system controlled by computers in order to move the light-bridges, lasershow, hydraulic stage lift, lowering system, 100 000 watt sound technology, state of the art d&b sound system, hundreds of rockets.
We used special effects such as blaze, CO Gun and stadium shot. We closed the end with fireworks and greek fire 9 meters long.
5 days long event construction, 290 people as staff members.
The whole technical timing and supply was planned several months before the concert.
Provision of an expanded, barrier-free grandstand near the stage for persons with limited mobility, for blind and visually impaired moreover deaf and hard of hearing people.
Creative production for thousands of square meters, tents and service areas.
50% discount on train and bus tickets for those coming from the countryside.
Security and crisis management plans were created long before the event, in order to avoid troubles caused by weather conditions or the crowd.
Measurable results
Entire income of the concert served a good and noble goal, helping those in need, who live their daily lives in difficult financial conditions.
The concert, that held in September every year, draw attention of the participants how important is to help others, thereby increasing community awareness, empathy and power of togetherness.
The free entry superconcert provides a joyful and positive experience, - not only for the performers but also for the audience, - which in itself has a value-creating effect and helps to create a better world.
The event is committed to supporting culture and communal celebration.
It places particular emphasis on fostering strong social awareness, actively involving individuals with disabilities in the concert experience.
Unique, free concert, where all age groups were represented in large numbers.
Total revenue from sales supports the ” Ecumenical Aid Organization „Oecumenical Aid Organization” to provide all year food, shelter and opportunity to those in need
40 000 participants on the spot.
Online stream with thousands of followers and with option of retrospective viewing for those who could not attend the event in person.
Provision of 26 000 square meters barrier-free zone in the area of Sculpture park, PUSKAS ARENA.
To inform the Hungarian press about the concert and give them interesting facts and news to the musicians. Continuous communication with the biggest Hungarian online news sites and in print and electronic media.
Sustainable practices
50% discount on train and bus tickets for those coming from the countryside, for more people to use public transportation
All the decorations produced for the event were made from recycled materials with environmentally friendly paint
Environmental protection is extremely important to us
Application of Green Ink technology
Decorative and informational elements - all without exceptions, in 100% - had been produced from environmentally friendly polypropylene materials moreover made of environmentally friendly paint, that can be fully reprocessed unlimited number of times, replaced by this the widely known foamed PVC and stadur boards, which have serious environmental impact as plastics that degrade very slowly or not at all..